Meister Eckhart – d. 1328* – known for saying, inter alia, that a thank-you is enough*
thank you so much, all who share
an interest in one or more
items noted – with links – below
2024-03-17 / notes
*a link; see also the about page for how posts – and copies on fw – use links
☛ see for some lightly edited notes from every post in this series
2024-03-17 is 2024-W11-7* / other notes for all posts in this series are under “▼” here
please copy and share whatever you like … and thanks for sharing with me new links to note*
the neem tree and dental hygiene (!?)
eukaryotic (!o) / [yoo-kar-ee-OT-ik]* … as are we all* *
neolithic matriarchy and worship of the Great Mother / Malta and elsewhere (!?)
“In Gaza … we are now at a rate of 500 bombs a day.”* / “more than 30,000” deaths?*
Glazer on his point: not only “look what they did then,” also “look what we do now”* *
Aaron Maté on current events / interviewed by Judge Andrew Napolitano this week*
John A Livingston: “Frustration, dismay, and varying degrees of anger …”* * / from 1973
see Rebecca Solnit on the case for hope* / after all, Pandora’s box had hope in it (!?)
secular dharma: 1) embrace life, 2) let go of reactivity, … (!?) / rinse and repeat
further notes may be appended to copies on fw